Green development policy of Mongolia

2016-10-05 08:54:49

In June 2014, the State Great Khural (Parliament of Mongolia) approved the Green Development Policy (GDP) for Mongolia. The GDP aims to ensure that green development becomes one of Mongolia’s fundamental goals. Furthermore, it has determined goals and objectives for green development and outlines actions to ensure these goals are achieved.


/Unofficial translation by Ministry of Environment & Green Development of Mongolia. Policy passed by State Great Khural (Parliament of Mongolia) on Friday, June 13, 2014 with immediate effect/

  1. A need and justification for transition to a green development

1.1.        Global perspective

Climate change, rapid economic growth, population explosion, irruption of consumption and services and resource depletion are the greatest global challenges that are posing a risk on earth subsistence. Estimation of ecological impacts of production and consumption suggests if this development trend further continues, a need for resources will exceed global resources available by 2030.

Thus, all countries and every citizen need to substantially change their live style and production and consumption patterns and shifting into environmentally friendly, "green"   lifestyle. These global challenges discussed in the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development which took place in 2012 and recommended the adoption of country specific green economy as a vehicle to sustainable development and poverty reduction. Furthermore, United Nations specialized agencies brought up green economy, green production and green growth concepts aimed at creation of economic systems with low carbon emission, efficient use of natural resources and avoidance from environmental pollution and degradation and made commitments to creation of new opportunities of participation in the global economic integration. 

1.2.        Development opportunities and challenges of Mongolia

In case of Mongolia, it has an opportunity to create a green development keystone through using its cultural and traditional advantage, ability to live in harmony with nature and environment, its geographical location, rich mineral resources and relatively pristine and natural terrain. In the other hand, Mongolia is at the outset of economic boom backed by natural resources, 47.2% of total population is young with 15-40 years of age, country is open with democratic governance and it has a political commitment to sustainable development.

However, Mongolia is facing numerous challenges, including poverty, un-equal income distribution, natural resource-based economic structure, inefficient use of energy and resources, wasteful consumption, technical and technological obsolescence and vulnerability to climate change. 

Thus, Mongolia needs to change “Grow first and Clean-it up later” axiom by turning it into environmentally friendly, waste less and effective production with increased productivity, create an inclusive and participatory economic growth aimed to increase quality of life.more

National Action Program on Climate Change

2016-10-05 08:57:34

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