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Designation as Third-Party entity

Low Carbon Technology Center(LCTT) had been designated by the Secretariat of Joint Committee, as a Third-Party Entity(TPE) for the projects, implementing under Joint Credit Mechanism (JCM), on May 26th, 2017. 

Japanese Government and Mongolian Government signed on the Low Carbon Development Partnership on January 8th, 2013. The JCM has been established in order to promote investment and deployment of low carbon technologies, products, systems, services and infrastructure to achieve Low Carbon Development in Mongolia. The TPEs are entities designated by the Joint Committee as qualified to validate proposed JCM projects and to verify  GHG emission reductions or removals. The project validations and verifications are conducted under contractual arrangement with the Project participant, according to JCM guidelines previously approved by Joint Committee of JCM.   

LCTC has been accredited

The Technical Committee of Accreditation of the Mongolian Agency for Standardization and Metrology, has been made decision for accreditation of the Low Carbon Technology Center, as Greenhouse gas validation and verification body to undertake GHG project validation and verification, by it's meeting, held on 10th February, 2017.  We would conduct validation and verification of GHG emission reductions/ removals within the scope of followed sectors:

  • Power generation and Power transactions,
  • General manufacturin g(Electric and electronic equipment, Food processing),
  • Metals production (Production of coke),
  • Mining and mineral production (Production of cement, lime, mineral wool),
  • Waste handling and disposal,
  • Forestry,
  • Energy efficiency of constraction, Building services / acilities management

Main Activities

  • To research and consult for the Climate friendly energy and technology,
  • To undertake activities for assessment of Greenhouse gas emission reduction, removals,
  • To implement projects, programs for Environment protection, Climate change mitigation, Renewable energy, low carbon technology and energy conservation
  • To disseminate and accustom the culture of green consumption, green life style, and nature and human coexistence, 
  • To contribute in development of standardization of renewable energy, energy conservation and energy efficiency,
  • To consult on MRV methodology of Climate change mitigation measures and utilization of Renewable energy sources, 
  • To cooperate with an international organizations, in order to fulfil our mission