MNS ISO 14064-1

The Climate change has implications for human and natural systems, so it also could lead to exclusive changes in resource use, production and economic activity. Therefore in order to response this situation,  international, regional, national and local initiatives are being developed and  implemented to limit GHG concentrations in the earth atmosphere. The GHG emission reduction activities have to be implemented in a “ measurable , reportable and verifiable” manner according to Bali Action plan, UNFCCC. These actions such as monitoring, reporting and verification  of the GHG emissions and removals  should be undertaken according to the international standards. The Mongolian Agency for Standardization and Metrology (MASM) has been approved international standards- MNS ISO 14064, MNS ISO 14065 and MNS ISO14066, that are the guidance for quantification, reporting and verification of GHG emissions and removals.